デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)への対応が急速に進む今のコミュニケーション環境において、社会や企業の皆様にとって本当に役立つことをデザインし、そして必要なソリューションを開発し提供することが求められています。こうした状況の中で当社は、新たな時代の生活様式や価値観をしっかりと捉え、jeki DXによるデジタルソリューションを開発し、クライアントの皆様の課題解決に取組んでまいります。さらに、jekiグループで構築しているデジタル体制をはじめ、様々なプレイヤーとともに、先進的な取り組みを切り開いていきます。
President's Message
We began in May 1988 as the JR East Group’s housing agent, and we have now established a firm foothold in the advertising industry while expanding our operations into the content business, social business, and other areas. We have also established the Chubu Branch Office, Kansai Branch Office, and Hokuriku Branch Office in the Chukyo, Kansai, and Hokuriku areas, respectively, and are pursuing business opportunities with companies and local governments throughout Japan. These opportunities include offering consultations on communication issues through our business base for regional development in Hokkaido and the editorial department of our online sales bureau.
In today's communications environment, in which responses to digital transformation (DX) are rapidly developing, there is a need to design what society and companies can truly find useful, as well as develop and provide the necessary solutions. Under such circumstances, we will gain a firm sense of the lifestyles and values of this new era and continue to develop digital solutions using jeki DX and solve our clients’ issues. We will also collaborate with a number of players in pursuit of advanced initiatives, including the digital system established by the jeki Group.
In addition, we will work tirelessly to refine our company’s strengths in transportation advertising, content businesses, social business that leads to regional development, the development of advanced digital advertising media, marketing related to consumer mobility behavior, and integrated promotion that combines competence in planning and execution, among other areas.
I hope that you will continue to support JR East Marketing & Communications as we journey with everyone towards a new society.